This is the start page for the Unique Computer Preservation Group.
This is a group of individuals that I am starting who have a deep
appreciation for computer hardware of days past.
The mission of the group is to collect documentation, software and any
material pertaining to a particular computer.
It will when ever possible attempt to recreate the hardware in a
medium that will be difficult to force to obsolescence. The most common
way to would be to implement the hardware in a HDL such as Verilog or
VHDL. This way the system can be recreated in a number of FPGA's.
An initial list of computers for the group are
SGI Indigo / Personal Iris
Mac 128k/512k(e)
Sun SparcClassic
HP 712/60
As the founding member I have already begun work on the Mac
128k/512k(e) system and will be creating its page soon.
If you would like to join, have systems to suggest, or can
provide information to meet these goals please email
ucpg at